Jet Age Museum

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Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 472

The museum has now submitted its planning application to build a museum for their collection at Gloucestershire Airport, Staverton

The hard copy of the paper has a bigger feature, albeit with a bit of a gaffe in describing the types as Gloucester Javelin, Gloucester Gamecock etc...

Original post

Member for

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In fairness it did start out as the Gloucester Aircraft Company, but the Gamecock would have only been around a very short time before the name changed.

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 472

Gloucestershire, I believe!

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17 years

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True, I was using the proper english contraction of the name! :D

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 472

...and Planning Permission was granted today (subject to Secretary of State approval, because it's in the grenn belt)

Some good museum news for a change...

Member for

16 years 7 months

Posts: 2,841

Planning Permission


It will be a (long overdue) fitting home for a fine collection.


Member for

15 years 11 months

Posts: 164

That is good news!

I contacted one of your members a while ago when I had a flight from Staverton to see if I could see the collection, be we were there on a Thursday no no luck..

I did have a nosey at the Javelin, which incidentally is located right next to a great little bar / restaurant!

Best of luck with it!! Scott.

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19 years 5 months

Posts: 2,895

Really good to hear this news - congrats.

Roger Smith.

Member for

16 years

Posts: 674

Excellent news. Just looked at the web site and the work on the Gamecock looks stunning, never realised how advanced that project was.
So a couple of questions..
1. What form will museum take, a conventional aircraft hangar or do you have more Architectural designs.
2. How much is it going to cost and does the museum have a deciated donation plan, ie 'buy a brick' sort of thing.
3. And what is the time scale.

Thanks Paul

Member for

14 years 7 months

Posts: 1,558

Staverton has a long history with aircraft museums and it is great news that you have managed to get planning etc through.

Good luck with your projects.

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 472

The E28 left Brockworth today for the 70th anniversary commemorations at RAF Cranwell. It returns to its new home at Staverton on Tuesday

Member for

16 years 4 months

Posts: 435

Fantastic stuff!

Always great to see all of the hard work being showcased, if ever there was an organisation deserving of a "stalwarts of persistence in preservation" award, Jet Age Museum must surely be it!

I'm looking forward to the photographs brought back by TT18 Senior! :cool:

Member for

19 years 7 months

Posts: 472

Uploaded the rest of the pics to the facebook page featuring TT18 senior in action, I believe?

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 8,464

Your link just goes to one of those pointless quizzes devised by a four year old. Can you fix it please?


Member for

16 years 4 months

Posts: 5,339

The link works for me !

Member for

16 years 4 months

Posts: 435

Uploaded the rest of the pics to the facebook page featuring TT18 senior in action, I believe?

Indeed it does!

In their element, both the E28/39 and the old chap!

Member for

24 years 8 months

Posts: 8,464

Hmm, bloomin facebook - tried it twice, and I still get the stupid quiz.
