Upgraded Su-33 Carrier Fighters fly!

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Upgraded Su-33 Carrier Fighters for Russian Navy

MOSCOW, March 31 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will re-equip its front line carrier aviation fleet with modernized Su-33SM Flanker fourth plus generation fighters by the 2012, an AF spokesman said Monday.
The RF Finance Ministry finally sanctioned yesterday the money appropriation for the upgrade of 12 Su-33 carrier fighter jets operated by the aircraft carrying cruiser, Kuznetsov. Russia’s KNAAPO Aircraft Corporation has signed a memorandum worth 12 billion ruble to upgrade the ageing aircraft.
Sukhoi Deputy Director Aleksandr Nikolayevich Klementyev stated the first six modernized Su-33 fighters will undergo flight tests by summer of 2010. Earlier this month, Sukhoi had conducted preliminary flight testing with the first two Su-33SM prototypes at Komsomolsk-na-Amur.
“The Su-33SM will enable added capabilities unmatched by any carrier based aircraft elsewhere” he said.
The Su-33SM is an improved Su-33 carrier fighter aircraft with an added multirole capability provided by upgraded weapons, improved performance and maintenance, better cockpit ergonomics, increased reliability and extended service life.
The Su-33SM avionics suite includes optimized air-to-air and additional air-to-surface weapon control systems. The avionics capability has been improved by new constituent elements and algorithms. The fighter will use R-77 air-to-air beyond-visual-range missiles and Kh-31P, Kh-31A, Kh-29T (TE) and Kh-29L air-to-surface missiles as well as KAB-500Kr and KAB-1500Kr guided bombs. The fighter's combat survivability has been improved with the installation of a modern electronic warfare suite and stealth features.
Pilot operation has become more efficient due to the installation of new cockpit instrumentation and the enhanced accuracy of the sighting and navigation system. The onboard radar has a ground mapping capability with beam-sharpening mode and can detect land-based radar-reflecting targets at a distance of up to 100 km, large-sized waterborne targets at 350 km and small ones at 120 km.
Last year, RSK MiG was to supply 34 MiG-29SMTs to Algeria under the contract of 2006; the contract budget amounted to $1.286 billion. But having received the first 15 jets in May of past year, Algeria halted the acceptance, claiming the jets had parts of poor quality or used parts. Algeria’s Air Force and Rosoboronexport agreed on return of 15 MiGs in February. After it, RSK MiG set to the active negotiations for supplying all 34 fighters to Russia's military.
The cancellation of Algeria’s contract generated a new debt for RSK MiG . Its size stands at $320 million, while the overall indebtedness of the corporation amounted to 43 billion ruble (around $1.8 billion) as of August 1. RSK MiG is the absolute money-loser; its loss equaled 800 million ruble past year and is estimated to step up to 1.6 billion ruble this year. Initial reports on the acquisition of a small batch of MiG-29K similar to the aircraft purchased by the Indian Navy, have been dismissed by deputy Prime Minister, Sergei Ivanov.
“We have assessed the possibilities of incorporating the MiG-29K but have concluded that it would be more efficient to upgrade the existing aircraft fleet” said Ivanov.
Last month, officials from China have expressed interest in acquiring a limited number of Su-33 carrier capable aircraft based on the Su-33SM.

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15 years 9 months

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And they were saying they are going to buy Mig 29Ks for new carrier. Damn these Russians sure are confusing :(. Internal struggle ??

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20 years 10 months

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Yes its more of an internal struggle , Sukhoi is the boss and flexes its muscle every where where commerical interest are involved.

And its cost effective to upgrade to SM standard than get new Mig-29K into its fleet for now.

The SM standard is also the one chosen to upgrade the RuAF fleet of Su-27.

They may go for Mig-29K and Naval PAK-FA when the new Carrier aviation group comes up for the new carrier.

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I would also assume that the MIg 29K will be less capable than the Su 33 SM. May be that would change when the Mig gets its AESA.

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18 years 2 months

Posts: 271

I would also assume that the MIg 29K will be less capable than the Su 33 SM. May be that would change when the Mig gets its AESA.

yeah but actually flanker is tooo heavy for russian medium carrier that dont have catapult. It cannot carry heavy load. MiG-29K/35K can because it is lighter weight.....
in the other hand, with PAK-FA get positive progress, some clever head might think it would better wait navalized PAK-FA (if any) since MiG-29 is obsolete by design.....

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15 years 10 months

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Link please? Google turns up nothing and the image is suspiciously similar to a certain Crimson Wing Su-33 paint job from an Ace Combat game...
And having seen that there's nothing on RIA Novosti's website, I'd call early 'April fools' and thank you for your time.

Isn't that one day too soon, Hotdog? Those pics are from some console game and the RIA site doesn't show any hits for Su-33SM!

I agree completely with CommanderJB.

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16 years 3 months

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Isn't that one day too soon, Hotdog? Those pics are from some console game and the RIA site doesn't show any hits for Su-33SM!

I agree completely with CommanderJB.

It's 1:56am, April 1 2009 where i am. ;)

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20 years 4 months

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The best april's fool so far!!!!!!!:D

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16 years 5 months

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hello guys, it is now over.
April Fools on you :)

Didn't fool me..............like Russia could afford to upgrade 12 Su-33's!:rolleyes:

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20 years 10 months

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I am wondering if the Su-33 can be converted to a dedicated Growler Type role , while the bread and butter role is taken over by Mig-29K till a navalised PAK-FA is available