Xsight Systems launches AI runway condition monitor solution

The solution uses sensors to provide 24/7 monitoring of the runway surface and collects real time data  

Xsight Systems, a Seattle-based provider of AI safety technologies, has announced a new system to continuously monitor runway conditions.  

Called ArcWize, the technology uses radar and both visible and Infra-red cameras, and automatically alerts airport operators and air traffic controllers to any change to the contaminated runway surface condition. Contaminants such as slush, water and snow are measured by depth, type and coverage. 

Wiki Commons/Malcom Macleod
Photo Wiki Commons/Malcom Macleod

Runway Condition Codes, required to provide landing and take-off braking action calculations, are automatically issued for each runway third, aligning with the new Global Reporting Format and Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment regulations.  

ArcWize also instantly generates the required data to enable real-time updates of SNOWTAM/NOTAM notifications addressed to aircraft operators. 

Amir Leybov, CEO and president of Xsight Systems, said: “Take-off and landing are the most critical phases of flight and by providing airports with access to real-time information regarding the runway surface condition, we can reduce the risk of runway safety events, mitigate delays and loss of revenue. The advanced sensing solution ultimately keeps the airport’s most valuable resource, the runway, safe and productive.” 

The company also provides solutions to combat FOD and bird detection through similar AI-based systems.