Virgin Orbit Boeing 747 UK rocket launch fails

Virgin Orbit’s attempt to launch a rocket carrying satellites into space last night (January 9, 2023) from the UK ended in failure.

Boeing 747-400, N744VG (c/n 32745), dubbed Cosmic Girl, released the LauncherOne rocket over the North Atlantic Ocean, but a problem with the second stage meant it was not able to reach the required orbit.

In a statement the company said the 747 successfully released LauncherOne and the rocket then ignited its engines, quickly going hypersonic and successfully reaching space. The flight then continued through stage separation and ignition of the second stage.

However, at some point during the firing of the rocket’s second stage engine while travelling at a speed of more than 11,000mph, the system experienced “an anomaly, ending the mission prematurely.”

Of the five missions so far by Virgin Orbit for companies and governmental agencies, last night was the first time payloads have not been delivered to their intended orbits, the company said.

Dan Hart, Virgin Orbit CEO, commented: “While we are very proud of the many things that we successfully achieved as part of this mission, we are mindful that we failed to provide our customers with the launch service they deserve. The first-tim…

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