United Kingdom

UK F-35Bs complete first combat deployment

RAF F-35B fighters from No 617 Squadron ‘Dambusters’ have returned to their home base of RAF Marham, Norfolk, after completing their first operational missions. The Lightnings carried out their initial sortie over Syria on June 16 but the combat debut was not announced by the Ministry of Defence until June 25.

No 617 Squadron deployed six F-35Bs to RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus, on May 21. The official purpose of the sixweek Exercise Lightning Dawn was to test the sustainment of the force away from its main operating base at Marham and enhance its preparedness for its first operational carrier deployment aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth later this year. At the time of deployment, MOD officials said there were “currently no plans” for the F-35Bs to take part in combat.

The first sortie over Syria on June 16 was a reconnaissance mission by two Lightnings escorted by Typhoons and didn’t involve any ordnance being dropped. After that, F-35Bs flew alongside Typhoons on further operational flights over Syria and Iraq, as part of the ongoing fight against the so-called Islamic State.

UK Lightnings flew at least 12 more armed overwatch sorties after June 16.

Chief of the Air Staff, A…

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