Swiss museum home for Dassault Mirage

Dassault Mirage IIIDS HB-RDF is to be preserved at Clin d'Ailes, a museum located outside Payerne Air Base in Switzerland

The jet made two farewell flights on May 25 from Payerne in the experienced hands of Thierry Götschmann who flew the type in service. Although its flying days are over, the airframe has a secure future at the museum, which opened to the public in April 2003.

Built in 1982, Delta-Foxtrot served the Swiss Air Force as J-2012 until 2003, after which it was donated to the Clin d'Ailes Museum Foundation. Restored to fly in 2008, it acquired its civilian registration and was available for passenger experience flights. However, the Swiss authorities opted to cancel its certificate of airworthiness last year following the expiry and ageing of key components. With thanks to Eric Janssonne

Mirage HB-RDF makes a final flight on May 25
Mirage HB-RDF makes a final flight on May 25 Eric Bannwarth via E Janssonne