SR-71 mission: Flying into a warzone

In the March 2013 issue of FlyPast Warren E Thompson described an incredible long-range mission during the Yom Kippur War

War on two fronts against a sizeable military force, on the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people – this was the prospect facing Israel on October 6, 1973. Led by Egypt and Syria, a coalition of Arab states staged a well co-ordinated attack involving air and ground assets in a pre-emptive strike as a result of the failure to resolve territorial disputes arising from the Arab-Israeli War of June 1967.

The war took its name from Israel’s holy day – Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It was hoped a massive assault while the nation was deeply involved in reflection would put the Israeli armed forces on the back foot. It was not to be: due to the Israelis’ superior firepower and aggressiveness, the war would last only 19 days.

Along the Suez Canal, 80,000 well-equipped and trained members of the Egyptian Army crossed into the Sinai Desert on hastily-constructed pontoon bridges to confront fewer than 500 Israeli defenders. On the Golan Heights, the situation was just as bad when 180 Israeli tanks faced nearly 1,400 Syrian armoured fighting vehicles.

Losses on both fronts were significant for the defenders. …

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