Sir Richard Branson’s reflections on 40 years of Virgin Atlantic

Exclusively for Airliner World, Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Atlantic, describes in his own words why the carrier has not just survived but thrived over the last four decades


Dear readers,

I’m thrilled that the team at Airliner World has asked me to contribute to this special anniversary issue. When starting Virgin Atlantic 40 years ago with one second-hand 747, I went against everyone’s advice. Friends, experts, the press, the pundits all said it would be suicidal for a tiny airline to take on British Airways, Pan Am and TWA with their 800 planes combined. And, on paper, they were right. But my attitude is that if you can create something that’s much better than what everybody else is offering, then you have at least a chance of succeeding. Plus I love a challenge.

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