Sensational Sabre 6 Scrutinsed

The June 14, 1957 issue of The Aeroplane featured a report on the latest version of the Sabre, which was populating Royal Canadian Air Force squadrons deployed in Europe

The Sabre was one of the top fighters of its day, but as technology moved on so upgrades were applied to keep the aircraft at the cutting edge as described here.

A Canadair Sabre 6 of No. 441 Sqn., R.C.A.F., seen approaching the top of a loop, with the automatic slats extended as the minimum airspeed is reached. With CF-100s, these Canadian fighters are on continual “Zulu” alert in Europe. Photograph copyright “The Aeroplane”
A Canadair Sabre 6 of No. 441 Sqn., R.C.A.F., seen approaching the top of a loop, with the automatic slats extended as the minimum airspeed is reached. With CF-100s, these Canadian fighters are on continual “Zulu” alert in Europe. Photograph copyright “The Aeroplane”


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