Russia’s race for Arctic Power

Alexander Mladenov reports on how Moscow is intensifying its power projecting efforts in the Arctic region

The Russian Arctic militarisation drive is viewed as a direct consequence of trying to extend both its borders and its control over the area running from Northern Siberia towards the resources-rich and still unexplored territories around the North Pole. The Tu-142MZ/MK fleet is instrumental in this effort
Images by Andrey Zinchuk unless stated

In January, the Russian military took a decisive step to beef up its presence in the deep-frozen Arctic even further and extend the perimeter of its national interests. The well-publicised move called for a forward deployment of MiG-31BM Foxhound long-range fighters to Rogachevo airfield in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. They will stand on quick reaction alert (QRA) for an undisclosed duration.

The Russian Defence Ministry (MoD) announced the Foxhound’s Arctic deployment on January 16, with the independent composite aviation regimentThe Russian Defence Ministry (MoD) announced the Foxhound’s Arctic deployment on January 16, with the of the 45th Air and Air Defence Army,of the 45th Air and Air Defence Army, subordinated to the Northern Fleet. This deployment was, in fact, long touted, with the first announcements for planned Arctic QRA of the resurgent MiG-31 force having been made by Russian military officials during 2012.

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