A Royal Farewell: Reflecting on the BAe 146's RAF service career

Chris Croot sat down with Wg Cdr Delia Chadwick, officer commanding No 32 (The Royal) Squadron, to discuss the life of the RAF’s BAe 146 CC2/C3 fleet and its recent retirement.

Wg Cdr Delia Chadwick joined the Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1996, initially completing two tours (as a co-pilot and captain) with the Vickers VC10 force, before transferring to the Lockheed TriStar prior to the retirement of both tanker-transport fleets in September 2013 and March 2014, respectively. She was selected as one of the very first flight commanders on the Airbus A330-243MRTT Voyager KC2/KC3 force and was offered the opportunity to command No 32 (The Royal) Squadron in 2018, before officially taking charge in April 2020. Chadwick views her position as the “pinnacle” of her career as a pilot and is incredibly proud to lead a squadron with such historical provenance.

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