RAF Museum Midlands announces major development

The RAF Museum has secured investment from The National Lottery Heritage Fund for an extensive Midlands development programme

The Royal Air Force Museum has been awarded investment from The National Lottery Heritage Lottery Fund for its Inspiring Everyone: RAF Museum Midlands Development Programme.

This ambitious project will deliver a major regional engagement programme, alongside a site transformation. An immersive exhibition will explore today’s RAF, a new Learning Centre will provide bespoke facilities, and a purpose-built Collections Hub will enable the museum’s stored collection to be shared with the public for the first time. The complementary development of a woodland landscape and new public realm will encourage outdoor “learning, discovery, and contemplation”.

New Exhibition - Arrival Moment
New Exhibition - Arrival Moment RAFM

The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s investment is a significant contribution towards the museum’s fundraising campaign for the project, and will enable the museum to progress plans, working with local communities to develop partnerships, programming and designs for the new spaces and exhibitions.

RAF Museum CEO, Maggie Appleton said: “I’d like to thank The National Lottery Heritage Fund on behalf of all our staff, volunteers and Trustees for the generous support they have given us – we could not be happier! We’re one step closer to our ambitious plans becoming a reality, made possible thanks to National Lottery players. Over the coming months we will continue to work closely with our local communities to develop the project, ensuring we deliver spaces that will make a vital and positive change to people’s lives across the Midlands and beyond.”

The museum will now enter into a development phase, before building work commences in early 2025, and is expected to be complete by summer 2027. The attraction remains free to visit, and is open daily from 10am.

Collections Hub - Internal View
Collections Hub - Internal View RAFM
New Exhibition - Space Command
New Exhibition - Space Command RAFM
New Exhibition - Chinook
New Exhibition - Chinook RAFM
New Exhibition - Learning Moment - Reaper Drone
New Exhibition - Learning Moment - Reaper Drone RAFM
Learning Centre - Indoor activity space
Learning Centre - Indoor activity space RAFM