Microsoft Flight Simulator arrives in Prague

The latest destination from Tailstrike Designs is Prague Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

The runway profiles are accurately modelled.
The runway profiles are accurately modelled. Tailstrike Designs

The package is an authentic recreation of Prague Airport with photorealistic texture, highly detailed models of airport terminals, hangars, buildings and airport vehicles as well as accurate taxiways and runways based on a 2022 layout.

The terminals feature detailed interiors.
The terminals feature detailed interiors. Tailstrike Designs

Other highlights include animations and night lighting around the airport, accurate terrain and runway profiles along with interior modelling for the tower and terminal. It also sports custom animated jetways and support for the Aerosoft VDGS (Visual Docking Guidance System) module.

Prague Airport is available on the Aerosoft online store for €25.16 (£22 approx).
