Praetor 600 AEW

An artist’s impression of the P600 AEW aircraft.

Brazil’s Embraer Defense & Security and ELTA Systems Ltd, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), signed a strategic cooperation agreement to develop the P600 Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft at Le Bourget on June 18.

Designed to compete in a new segment of the AEW market, the aircraft is based on the Embraer Praetor 600 business jet and fitted with an IAI/ELTA digital active electronically scanned array radar with integrated IFF capabilities. Under the agreement, Embraer Defense & Security will provide the aircraft, ground support, communication systems and aircraft integration, while ELTA will provide the AEW radar, electronic systems including those for the SIGINT (signals intelligence) role, and system integration.

Embraer Defense & Security claims the P600 AEW will address the growing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance market for nations that require a cost-effective, high-performance and flexible system.

The P600 AEW’s concept of operation is to provide an extended air situational picture of the battlespace by monitoring aerial activity in areas outside ground radar coverage for air defence, early warning, command and control, territorial defence, and maritime surveillance roles. Potential configuration can include data and satellite links, and a robust self-protection suite.