Planning the Vulcan raids on the Falklands

Dr Kevin Wright interviewed Sqn Ldr Andy Marson (Ret), at the time Vulcan to the Sky Trust’s navigator on XH558, who helped plan the Black Buck raids during the Falklands War. He provided his insight into these complex missions in the August 2015 issue of Aviation News


In spring 1982 the Vulcan force was being steadily run down. Several Vulcan squadrons had already disbanded: 617 Sqn on December 31, 1981; 35 Sqn on March 1 and 27 Sqn on March 31, 1982. The Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands on April 1, 1982 slowed the process. Initially the RAF’s role in any possible conflict was unclear. Most thought it would come to nothing and, even if it did, the Vulcans were unlikely to be involved. Soon some of the remaining Vulcan force was being rapidly prepared for war, at the very time others were being reduced to scrap metal.

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