The Netherlands Coastguard is replacing its entire fleet: here's what you need to know

After years of preparation, the Netherlands Coastguard is replacing its entire fleet. Peter Ten Berg takes a look at the force as it switches from Dorniers and Dauphins to Dash-8s and AW189s

The Netherlands Coastguard (Nederlandse Kustwacht) is undergoing the largest upheaval in its history, with both its fixed and rotary-wing fleets being retired and replaced within a matter of weeks. Part of this change means the force’s 30-year association with the Dornier 228 is drawing to a close.

The Airbus Helicopters AS365 Dauphin II is one of two Netherlands Coastguard types being retired
All images Peter Ten Berg

An example of the high-wing STOL turboprop, PH-MNZ (c/n 8206), was acquired in 1992 to patrol Dutch territorial waters in the North Sea. It quickly became a hit with onboard observers who enjoyed unobstructed views of seaways between the River Scheldt on the Belgian border and the River Ems which separates the Netherlands from Germany.

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