Modern defenders of ancient Kush

East and West meet on the edge of Sub- Saharan Africa, where the Sudanese Air Force has amassed 50 years of combat experience. Mohamed Adam Nour reports on a secretive air arm.

Force Report

Sudanese Air Force

The MiG-29SEh is an export derivative of the 9.13 ‘Fulcrum-C’, with N019ME radar, RVV-AE airto- air missiles and some Western navigation and communication systems. Serial 623, seen over Khartoum, is one of around 11 MiG- 29SEh variants that were delivered from 2003 and based at Wadi Sayyidna.

Sudan is Africa’s third largest country and the 16th biggest in the world. The White Nile and Blue Nile converge in the capital Khartoum and it is a place blessed with stunning desert landscapes, hospitable people and many historical sites. However, Sudan is also known for its enduring conflicts between government forces and armed opposition groups. In the past, war ravaged its southern half, and more recently unrest has focused on Darfur, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile state.

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