The military heavy-medium helicopter market – State of flux or business as usual?

Paul ‘Foo’ Kennard, former RAF Chinook pilot, and MOD Requirements Manager and now Director of Ascalon Defence Consultancy discusses the current state of the military’s heavy lift helicopter market – and the significant changes that have occurred within it

The land domain military rotorcraft sector has always been divided into broadly three roles, Scout, Lift, and Attack, delivered by platforms that are either dedicated attack helicopters (AH), light utility helicopters (LUH), medium support helicopters (MSH) or heavy lift machines. Sometimes, a single type can operate across the notional boundaries; for example, Airbus’ H145 serves as a LUH (especially when one considers its extensive employment by the US Army as the UH-72A Lakota) and as a light attack platform in H145M guise equipped with the ‘H-Force’ tailorable sensor/weapons package.

However, se

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