Mi-171E2 flight tests

Russian Helicopters says it has successfully completed tests of the Mi-171E2. The key features of the helicopter are increased-power VK- 2500PS-03 engines, a composite main rotor and an X-shaped tail rotor similar to the one used on Mi-171A2. Other changes are an upgraded body, modified tail and keel beams and a larger stabiliser. Developed by the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, the helicopter will be produced in lots at the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAP).

Russian Helicopters said the Mi- 171E2 offers increased carrying capacity, faster maximum and cruise speeds, improved climb performance and directional control reserve, and reduced noise. The company’s Chief Executive Officer, Andrey Boginsky, said: “While creating the new helicopter, we made allowance for the specific character of operation of earlier delivered UUAP helicopters in high-altitude countries such as China, Pakistan, Iran, as well as Latin American states. New engines and a rotor system offer improved opportunities for using the helicopter at high altitudes with high air temperature, and therefore I’m sure that it will be widely used in high mountain and hot climate conditions.” Mark Broadbent

Uprated engines and a composite tail rotor are key features of the Mi-171E2. The new version is intended to offer improved opportunities for use in hot-and-high environments. Russian Helicopter