Local Legend 10: Boeing 307 Stratoliner review

A classic airliner from the 1940s

History is replete with forgotten aircraft and stories and the Boeing 307 Stratoliner is just such an aircraft. Everyone will know her successor, the Stratocruiser. The unique double-layered fuselage offered such luxuries as a lounge for passengers to enjoy cocktails in. The Stratoliner by comparison is largely a forgotten part of aviation history, at least until now. Aeroplane Heaven is back along with Asobo to offer us a chance to fly the forgotten 307. After last issue’s trip in the Ford 4-AT Trimotor, I couldn’t wait to try this wonderful 1940s airliner for myself. So, let’s dive in and see if we can find out why the 307 is not remembered that well, if at all.

The Stratoliner is a derivative of the B-17 Flying Fortress, and first flew in 1938.
The Stratoliner is a derivative of the B-17 Flying Fortress and first flew in 1938. Jessica Bannister-Pearce

History and installation

The Boeing 307 is a surprise derivative of the more famous B-17 Flying Fortress and first flew in 1938. This was a passenger aircraft designed for travel at altitude and was the first passenger aircraft to operate with a pressurised cabin. The cabin itself offered passengers the height of luxury, with comfortable seating that could be converted into sleeper cabins at night.

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