Jekta PHA-ZE 100: the electric-powered amphibious aircraft

The Jekta PHA-ZE 100 is an electric-powered amphibious aircraft for regional operations, including remote communities. Ian Harbison spoke with the company’s CEO, George Alafinov, to find out more

Jekta Switzerland may be barely two years old, but it has a distinct advantage over its rival start-ups – it can call on extensive experience in amphibious aircraft design, production, and support. The fledgling company, founded in 2021, has its roots in AeroVolga, created in 2002 by Jekta CEO George Alafinov’s father Sergey. Russia’s only private aircraft manufacturer is something of an authority on the sector, producing the single-engined Borey two-seat amphibious trainer and the larger eight-seat twin-engined LA-8 from its factory in Krasny Yar, just over 500 miles southeast of Moscow.

Certification and delivery of the first aircraft is expected in 2029
Certification and delivery of the first aircraft is expected in 2029 Jekta


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