Inside the Franco-German Joint Tactical Airlift Squadron

Operating the C-130J Hercules, the Franco-German Joint Tactical Airlift Squadron is the first bi-national unit of its kind in Europe. Babak Taghvee investigates

The Franco-German Joint Tactical Airlift Squadron was initially inaugurated on September 3, 2021, with two Lockheed C-130J-30 Super Hercules tactical transporters and a pair of KC-130J tankers on strength with the Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace (AAE; French Air and Space Force) Transport Squadron 2/61 Franche-Comté (ET02.061) out of Orléans Air Base. On February 19 the following year, the unit took delivery of the first German C-130J-30 (55+01), which officially entered service on March 8, 2022.


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