India’s new Light Utility Helicopter is nearing fruition

India’s new Light Utility Helicopter is coming towards the end of an arduous design and development programme. Atul Chandra was granted an exclusive behind-the-scenes look for AirForces Monthly

An ambitious undertaking by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to develop a new indigenous single-engine helicopter in the three-ton category is nearing fruition.

Indias LUH
HAL’s three Light Utility Helicopter prototypes fly together over India in echelon formation. From left to right: PT1 (ZK-4640), PT2 (ZJ-4630) and PT3 (ZG-4620). HAL

The new Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) will have a service ceiling of 21,325ft and the ability to take off from an altitude of 19,685ft with a 165lb payload.

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