‘Flogger’ Farewell

IAF Retires Last MiG-27s

The Indian Air Force retired its last MiG-27s in late December 2019 and Combat Aircraft Journal was at Jodhpur Air Force Station for the final farewell.

The retirement of the last MiG-27s in Indian Air Force (IAF) service saw hundreds of ‘Flogger fliers’ past and present making their way to Jodhpur Air Force Station (AFS) on December 27 last year, to bid farewell to these swing-wing fighters. The final two serviceable MiG-23UB twin-seaters and upgraded MiG-27UPGs of No 29 Squadron ‘Scorpios’ headlined the occasion with a five-ship formation flypast, with one pass seeing them flanked by the new mainstay of the IAF — Su-30MKIs from the co-located No 31 Squadron ‘Lions’.

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