iFly 737 Max 8 review

iFly’s most advanced aircraft to date

Although it originally entered service as a technically flawed aircraft, the Boeing 737 Max 8 follows in the footsteps of one of the most successful aircraft in aviation history. However, Boeing and the FAA have now announced that those initial problems have been rectified and it’s been cleared to fly.

iFly 737 Max 8
iFly's 737 Max 8 Joe Lavery

Boeing 737 Max 8

This latest iteration of the Boeing 737 is the fourth generation of this extremely popular narrow-bodied aircraft. The main differences, when compared to the earlier 737 NG 800, are that it can carry more passengers (up to 178) and has a longer range (3,550nm). On top of that it has quieter and more efficient engines and a completely updated electronics package.

However, the subject of this review is the release of a Boeing 737 Max 8 for Prepar3D v5.3 by iFly Jets; which is part of the iFly Jets Advanced Series. Like the real aircraft, it follows their earlier 737 NG product. If you’ve read my articles in the past, you’ll already know that I have a full-size 737 cockpit in my home.

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