How Virgin Atlantic introduced the Boeing 787 Dreamliner in style

Craig West described a flight with a difference in the January 2015 issue of Airliner World when Virgin Atlantic added the Boeing 787 Dreamliner to its fleet

Virgin Atlantic has never been one to shy away from the limelight and publicity stunts have become something of a forte for the carrier.  This has been fuelled in part by the company’s flamboyant founder and President Sir Richard Branson, who has gone to great lengths to ensure column inches in the press.  This included donning a Virgin-branded jumpsuit and posing with British Olympian and skeleton gold medallist Amy Williams at the 2012 launch of services to Vancouver; celebrating the launch of the airline’s new Upper Class cabin by serving drinks complete with ‘Little Richard’ ice cubes; dressing in drag and working as cabin crew on a flight to Kuala Lumpur after losing a bet to AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes; and marking the launch of domestic flights to Scotland by lifting up his kilt to reveal a pair of underpants carrying the words ‘stiff competition’. 

Having set

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