How leaky lavatories caused control difficulties for Delta 767

The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has concluded an investigation into an incident involving a Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300ER that suffered flight control problems following a water leak on board.

The aircraft, N181DN (c/n 25986) was conducting Flight 211 between Prague/Václav Havel and New York/JFK on July 7, 2022, when the flight crew experienced roll control difficulties after being informed of a water leak emanating from the two mid cabin lavatories.

Flight 211 that day was a line check flight flown by two complete crews, each comprising a captain and first officer (FO).

The non-flying pilots went back into the cabin to investigate the cause of the leak. Water was discovered emanating from under the lower right side of the toilet onto the floor – the supply was subsequently shut off and the lavatory locked to prevent further use.

The incident involved a Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300ER.
The incident involved a Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300ER. Aviation Image Network/Simon Gregory

The other lavatory was leaking from under the sink near the filter canister. This facility was left open for toilet use only. The crew then cleaned up as much excess water from the floor as possible.

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