Historic Aviation Quiz: Supermarine

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Founded in 1913 as Pemberton-Billing, Supermarine went on to become one of the most regarded aircraft manufacturers the world has ever seen.

In fact, it could be said one of its products, the Spitfire, is arguably the most iconic aeroplane of all time. Producing countless aeroplanes and designs up until its incorporation in the British Aviation Corporation in 1960, how many of these lesser-known ones can you identify?

Question 1 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine Seasurfer
Pemberton-Billing P.B.1
Supermarine Racer 4
Pemberton-Billing Type 12

Question 2 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine Swan
Supermarine Naval Defence Type I
Supermarine P.B.3
Supermarine Stirling I

Question 3 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine Quadwing
Supermarine P.B.31E Nighthawk
Supermarine Gun-Carrier Type VI
Supermarine Type 178

Question 4 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine Demon I
Supermarine Jet Type Attacker
Supermarine Scimitar
Supermarine Type 525

Question 5 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine S.3
Supermarine S.2
Supermarine S.5
Supermarine S.4

Question 6 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine Sparrow
Supermarine Sprite
Supermarine Skylark
Supermarine Sanderling

Question 7 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine Scout Developmental
Pemberton-Billing P.B.25
Supermarine Striker
Pemberton-Billing Pusher Type I

Question 8 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 22

Supermarine Sea Eagle
Supermarine Type 322
Supermarine Otter II
Supermarine Dive-Scout Developmental

Question 9 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine Type 545
Supermarine Supersonic Developmental
Supermarine Swift II
Supermarine Streak Shadow

Question 10 of 10

Historic Quiz - July 13

Supermarine Admiralty Defender
Supermarine Air Yacht
Supermarine Skyliner II
Supermarine Seafang

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