Historic Aviation Quiz: Great War Aircraft Recognition

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Question 1 of 10

Historic Quiz - October 28, 2022

Sopwith Camel
Armstrong Whitworth Armadillo
Avro 521
Martinsyde Buzzard

Question 2 of 10

Historic Quiz 1

Austin Osprey
Mann & Grimmer M.1
Ansaldo A.1 Balilla
Bristol Badger

Question 3 of 10

Historic Quiz - 3

Ago C.I
Voisin V
Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.2
Bréguet Bre.V

Question 4 of 10

Historic Quiz 2

Rumpler G.IV
Rumpler C.VIII
Rumpler C.IX
Rumpler G.3

Question 5 of 10

Historic Quiz 5

L.F.G. Roland C.II
Germania C.IV
Friedrichshafen FF.44
Halberstadt C.VII

Question 6 of 10

Historic Quiz 6

Alter A.1
Märkische D.I
Hannover CL.II
Roland D.I

Question 7 of 10

Historic Quiz 4

Junkers CL.I
Halberstadt CL.II
Sikorsky S-16
Caproni Ca.32

Question 8 of 10

Historic Quiz 8

Handley Page V/1500
Handley Page O/100
Handley Page Gunbus
Handley Page O/400

Question 9 of 10

Historic Quiz - October 28, 2022

Albatros D.III
Fokker E.III
Anatra DS Anasal
Hansa-Brandenburg D.I

Question 10 of 10

Historic Quiz 10

Bristol Badger
Nieuport 28
Caudron R.4
Voisin XII

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0 > 25%, must try harder!

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26% > 50%, good work, but room for improvement...

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 51% > 75%, getting there!

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76% > 100%, top drawer - home for tea and medals!