Hawkinge museum unveils new Battle of Britain sculpture

The Kent Battle of Britain Museum has re-created a famous photograph from the summer of 1940

The bronze statues of seven No 32 Squadron pilots in front of one of Hawkinge’s three Hurricane replicas.
The bronze statues of seven No 32 Squadron pilots in front of one of Hawkinge’s three Hurricane replicas. DAVE BROCKLEHURST

On 29 July at the Kent Battle of Britain Museum in Hawkinge, the new ‘Spirit of The Few’ Monument was unveiled, 32 years after museum curator Dave Brocklehurst MBE had the idea to re-create a famous photograph taken of seven airmen from No 32 Squadron on 29 July 1940 in sculptural form. The photo was taken only a couple of hundred yards away from where the museum is now housed, and the monument sees the airmen re-created in life-size bronze sculptures. Unusually, only one of the seven was to lose his life during the Second World War, enabling many sons and daughters of the pilots to attend the unveiling.


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