Germany lists Ukraine weapons contribution

Germany has outlined its military equipment contribution to Ukraine to aid Kyiv in its fight against Russia following Moscow’s renewed February invasion, in what could be interpreted as an attempt to set the record straight for its perceived inaction.

In a release issued on June 21, it was revealed that among the equipment provided so far included spare parts for MiG-29 fighter jets. Germany previously operated the platform, with the type leaving service in the early 2000s.

German MiG-29
Germany is a previous operator of the MiG-29 fighter, with spare parts apparently being provided to Ukraine to help sustain its own fleet as Kyiv combats the Russian invasion. US Department of Defense

Ukraine operates the MiG-29, which was forced into action from the very outset of the full invasion by Russia, with intense air combat in the early stages as each side attempted to asset air superiority over the other.

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