Flight Simulators Limited merges with RC Simulations

Flight Simulators Limited has announced the purchase/merger with RC Simulations.

Derek Clarke, Flight Simulators’ UK Sales and Marketing Director, explained: “Following on from the legacy of Bob Sidwick and his wife Carol, we are continuing with the development work of simulator solutions for air cadets, universities, colleges and professional training solutions as well as home-user systems to include virtual reality and now augmented reality systems. With the launch of the new Microsoft Flight Simulator to add to our portfolio, we anticipate the transition of all of our systems to integrate with this new exciting simulator software.”

There will also be further development of the successful RC Simulation range of Solo-Ace and Dual-Ace cockpits.

Flight Simulators Limited is based in Norwich, Norfolk and has been working extensively with flight simulation and has now taken steps to design socially distanced simulator solutions due to Covid-19. The company is a distributor for several international manufacturers including Virtual-Fly of Spain, Elite Simulation Solutions in Switzerland, Next Level Racing and many more. It offers a wide range of simulation products including fixed-wing and helicopter devices, flight consoles, yokes, throttle quadrants, rudder pedals, cyclics, collectives and torque pedals. To find out more visit: www.flight-simulators.co.uk.