First combat-ready F-15EX Eagle II delivered to the USAF

The US Air Force received the first combat-ready Boeing F-15EX Eagle II on June 5, 2024.

The aircraft (s/n 20-0008) was delivered to the Air National Guard’s 123rd Fighter Squadron ‘Redhawks’/142nd Wing at Portland Air National Guard base in Oregon from the Boeing factory in St Louis, Missouri.

In a press release, the 142nd Wing noted it is the first operational unit to receive the F-15EX. Speaking in a video clip posted on the US military’s Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) website, Colonel Mike Kosderka, the commander of the 142nd Wing, commented: “This is the first time, to my knowledge, that an Air National Guard base got a weapons system before the active component – so it’s a super big deal that the Guard is getting to have this weapons system first and foremost.”

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