Ferrying airliners around the world - the inside story

Chris Smith delves into the lesser reported but important industry of aircraft ferrying and how specialist provider Nomadic Aviation Group navigates endless bureaucracy to safely reposition airliners across the globe

To the untrained eye, repositioning an aircraft from its former home to its new abode, known in the industry as a ferry, may not appear to be much of a feat; after all, isn’t it just another flight? The reality is far more complicated, with layers of mind-boggling red tape and bureaucracy frequently intertwined.

Given this complexity, ferrying is frequently left to specialist operators well versed in managing the numerous rules and protocols that come with repositioning aircraft around the world.

One such company is the Nomadic Aviation Group (NAG) and managing partner Steve Giordano explained this less well documented segment of the aviation industry in an exclusive interview with Airliner World.

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