Experimental jets get an airing at Cosford

TSR2 among test airframes to come outside — briefly — during hangar reshuffle
The Bristol 188, XF926, wrapped up against the elements. It is understood that this spectacular machine was recently offered to Aerospace Bristol as part of the RAFM disposal/loans programme, but it was not taken up.
The Bristol 188, XF926, wrapped up against the elements. It is understood that this spectacular machine was recently offered to Aerospace Bristol as part of the RAFM disposal/loans programme, but it was not taken up. RAFM

During the third week of January, a reshuffle of exhibits by the RAF Museum Midlands at Cosford saw several aircraft from the Test Flight Hangar venturing outside for the first time in many years. Among those braving some of the harshest weather experienced for several winters were the prone pilot Gloster Meteor, WK935 — which is currently looking for a new home as part of the RAFM’s disposal/loan programme — together with Hunting H126 XN714, Saunders-Roe SR53 XD145, Bristol 188 XF926 and British Aircraft Corporation TSR2 XR220.

With the restoration of Vickers Wellington X MF628 now approaching completion in Cosford’s Michael Beetham Conservation Centre, preparations are getting under way for the fitting-out of a new Bomber Command display at Cosford, in which the Wellington will be a star attraction.

TSR2 XR220 in front of the National Cold War Exhibition building at Cosford on 17 January.
TSR2 XR220 in front of the National Cold War Exhibition building at Cosford on 17 January. RAFM