Escort Fighters: 118 Sqn’s Spitfire Years – Part 2

Tom Spencer concludes the story of 118 Sqn’s Spitfires, which protected bombers and also conducted their own marauding raids.

With 118 Sqn at Coltishall in Norfolk in March 1943, escorting 2 Group’s bomber attacks became a regular feature. In one such operation, 118 covered a Ventura raid on Rotterdam’s shipyards at the end of the month but, unusually, the attacking Fw 190s broke of when the squadron intervened.

A more eventful mission took place on April 4 when 118 was one of a six-squadron escort to Venturas of 464 and 487 Sqns to Rotterdam. Of the Hook of Holland on the return one ‘box’ of bombers became separated and came under attack. No 118 Sqn’s CO at the time was Sqn Ldr ‘Bertie’ Wooten, whose section countered and, manoeuvring behind one Fw 190, he hit the enemy fighter in the engine and the oil expelled covered his Spitfire. Flt Sgt Clive Anderton was also in action: “When we were attacked despite pulling the toggle I was unable to jettison the cumbersome external fuel tank with which our Spit Vs were fitted,” he told the author. “I turned into four Fw 190s and put the Spit into a climb and stall turned. I managed a lengthy burst at one ’190 as it passed beneath and saw the hood fly of and …

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