Dutch NH90s train for new role in UK

The NH90s of 860 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Navy have become an increasingly common sight in the UK as they work up to take on additional roles and missions. Joe Campion visited the unit while it was on exercise at RNAS Yeovilton

Two NHIndustries NH90 NATO Frigate Helicopters (NFH) from 860 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Navy deployed to Royal Navy Air Station Yeovilton, Somerset during the first three weeks of October. The amphibious mission training exercise was conducted in preparation to take on the mission from 300 Squadron’s AS.532U2 Cougar Mk2s.

The pair, deployed from Naval Air Station De Kooy near Den Helder, were joined by around 75 personnel, comprising four aircrews plus logistical and engineering support. The rotary wing duo flew primarily in and around the Dartmoor training area performing Mission Qualification Training for co-pilots, Tactical Qualification for Pilots in Command (PIC), and Section Lead Qualification for PIC in the amphibious mission.

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