Desert Storm 30: Eyes of the Storm

When Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990, within 48 hours, Saddam Hussein controlled 20% of the world’s oil reserves and seemed poised – and eager – to continue his march southward into Saudi Arabia. At King Fahd’s request, US President George H W Bush authorized Operation Desert Shield, the deployment of US troops to defend Saudi Arabia from Iraqi invasion.

RF-4C [DOD/TSgt Perry Heimer]
Carrying two travel pods rather than the ECM pod used by RF-4s on reconnaissance missions, this 106th TRS ‘Rebels’ RF-4C is likely headed back to the United States after the High Rollers replaced the Rebels in December 1990. Though the 106th left two BH-marked RF-4Cs behind for the High Rollers to fly, the Rebels did not participate in Operation Desert Storm. US Department of Defense (DoD)/TSgt Perry Heimer


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