IN DEPTH: Analysing the Russian Aerospace Forces' response to the Wagner rebellion

The short-lived but potentially highly consequential rebellion by Russia’s infamous Wagner Group on June 24 is certainly one of the most important events in recent Russian history and it came as a direct result of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia War.

While the long-term effects on Russia’s military capabilities and its ongoing operations in Ukraine have yet to be fully determined, the short-term results are more than evident. Clearly, the Russian Aerospace Forces (RuAF) bore the brunt of the action by the rebels on June 24, which ultimately resulted in the loss of at least six helicopters and one fixed-wing aircraft. These losses were compounded by the fact that, since the beginning of the Ukrainian counteroffensive in early June, the Ukrainian Armed Forces had reported shooting down a further ten RuAF helicopters and aircraft by June 24.

The tail of the RuAF Il-22M-11 Coot-B airborne command post that was shot down by Wagner Group forces on June 24. This Ivanovo-Severny-based aircraft (registration RF-75917) crashed south of Kantemirovka in Russia's Voronezh Oblast, not far from the border with Ukraine, where it was being used in its secondary role as an airborne radio communications relay for RuAF aircraft operating over Ukraine.
The tail of the RuAF Il-22M-11 Coot-B airborne command post that was shot down by Wagner Group forces on June 24. This Ivanovo-Severny-based aircraft (registration RF-75917) crashed south of Kantemirovka in Russia's Voronezh Oblast, not far from the border with Ukraine, where it was being used in its secondary role as an airborne radio communications relay for RuAF aircraft operating over Ukraine. via Telegram


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