Coronavirus: Could this Machine Make Flying Safer?

Leading aerospace firm, Honeywell has revealed a new type of aircraft cleaning technology that uses ultraviolet light to disinfect cabins.

The UV Cabin System was developed by a Los Angeles-based infection control company called Dimer LLC. The two firms have entered into a partnership that will enable the technology to be distributed in the mass market.

Honeywell says the system can treat an aircraft cabin in less than 10 minutes for just a few dollars per flight, for midsize to large airline fleets.

Honeywell Aerospace
The UV Cabin System was developed by a Los Angeles-based infection control company called Dimer LLC. Honeywell Aerospace

Mike Madsen, Honeywell Aerospace president and CEO, commented: “This offering is a big win for our airline customers, which are seeking affordable ways to clean their cabins effectively and quickly between flights. We are working on a range of solutions to help make passengers more comfortable about flying.”

The cleaning system is roughly the size of an aircraft beverage trolley and has UVC light arms that extend over the top of seats and sweep the cabin to treat aircraft surfaces. The company says that when properly applied, the UVC lights deliver doses that medical studies find reduce various viruses and bacteria, including SARS CoV and MERS CoV.

However, results vary based on UV dosage and application, and no testing has been done specifically on protection against COVID-19.

Elliot Kreitenberg, co-founder and president of Dimer LLC added: “Working with Honeywell puts this technology in the hands of a worldwide aerospace leader that can quickly deliver to airlines and other aircraft operators. As the travel industry begins to recover, we know hospital-grade technology will ease passenger concerns, and that’s what we’re providing with this system.”

The company is now accepting orders for the machine and will begin delivery from July.