Bid to restore Victor nose gathers pace

The remains of Victor K.2 XL191’s nose have been acquired by new owners for restoration at a planned museum in Iron Mountain, Michigan

Built in 1962 as a B.2 prior to tanker conversion, XL191 was damaged in a landing accident at Hamilton, Ontario while on strength with 55 Squadron on June 19, 1986. The bulk of the aircraft was scrapped, with the forward section donated to the resident Canadian Warplane Heritage which subsequently offered it for sale.

The remains were then acquired by Ohio’s Walter Soplata. They re-emerged in 2020 but, facing a bleak future, what was left was purchased in 2023 by the yet to be named museum. The team involved is now raising funds to both restore the nose and return it to B.2 configuration – including a significant ‘spares package’ from the UK. More information can be found here.

Could these sombre-looking remains be returned to their former glory?
Could these sombre-looking remains be returned to their former glory? XL191 Restoration Fund-Katrina Hodges