Behind-the-scenes with the RNLAF's 298 Squadron and its new CH-47F fleet

Ludo Mennes and Frank Visser recently visited the Royal Netherlands Air Force's (RNLAF's) No 298 Squadron at Gilze-Rijen Air Base to see how the air arm's new CH-47F Chinook fleet is gaining more traction with the Defence Helicopter Command.

Last year, No 298 Squadron ’Grizzlies’ of the RNLAF really lived up to its creed: ’Nihil nobis nimium’ (Nothing is too much for us!)'. ”2020 was to be a special year for us, not only because of the 75th anniversary of the squadron and 25 years of Chinook operations, but because we were set to receive the first of 14 new CH-47F MYII CAAS aircraft,” explained the squadron commander, Lt Col Niels van den Berg. “However, COVID-19 changed our plans and provided challenges, which we had to encounter.”

Dutch Chinook [Northern Skies Aviation]
The Chinooks of the 298 Squadron ’Grizzlies’ can often train at the low level training areas in the Netherlands. This example carries the 75 years anniversary sticker, which all helicopters received in 2020. Northern Skies Aviation


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