Aircraft & Avionics Update 2 released

The Microsoft Flight Simulator development team has released Aircraft & Avionics Update 2.

The 787 Dreamliner was upgraded with a new fly-by-wire system.
The 787 Dreamliner was upgraded with a new fly-by-wire system. Microsoft

The new update focuses on improving the avionics, flight model and systems on the default Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner and 747-8 Intercontinental. Various fixes to Working Title's NXi, ProLine 21, the G3000/G5000 and the GNS430/GNS530 avionics have also been implemented, such as an improved autopilot and flight director, fixed back course localiser modelling and VNAV functionality.

For the Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner and 747-8 Intercontinental, highlights include a comprehensive overhaul of the avionics, such as fonts, rising runway indication, improved ILS symbology, FPV (Flight Path Vector) support, independent MFD/ND/CDU screens with synoptics pages and integrated checklists.

The CDU now supports advanced flight planning features such as arcs, radius-to-fix, intercepts, holds, procedure turns and missed approaches. Alternate diversions feature customisable profiles for ETA, distance and fuel remaining predictions to multiple airports. Moreover, a new performance-based VNAV features idle descent capability based on the aircraft state, temperature and wind forecasts with speed restrictions and transitions, as well as integrated approach navigation for straight-in non-precision approaches, RNP/ANP and TCAS II with traffic advisories.

Avionics Update 2 introduced significant updates to the autoflight and flight management systems in the 747 Intercontinental.
Avionics Update 2 introduced significant updates to the autoflight and flight management systems in the 747 Intercontinental. Microsoft

The autothrottle now interacts with the FMS, taking into account cost index and thrust limitations, with added autoland, flare and rollout capability on landing. Other highlights include revised engine and flight model adjustments, with more accurate values for fuel consumption, engine power settings and performance (climb rates, speeds and attitude).

The fuel system features the correct automation and warning logic, along with improved modelling for the hydraulic demand pumps, air conditioning and pressurisation. The electrical system features the correct bus logic with better power consumption modelling. The GPS and IRS navigation systems, overhead panel functionality and cockpit lighting are also improved.

The 787 has revised sounds along with an overhauled HUD that supports most real-world symbology, including full and decluttered modes, FPV acceleration and speed error indications. Moreover, a new fly-by-wire system more accurately simulates C*U law with auto-trim unique to Boeing aircraft and a flaps system with 'Load Relief' and 'Auto-gap' functionality.

Advanced flight planning features were introduced in the new update.
Advanced flight planning features were introduced in the new update. Microsoft

Finally, the Citation CJ4 and Citation Longitude have also been updated. The CJ4 ProLine 21 avionics have fixed PFD and FMS functions, while the Citation Longitude sports upgraded cockpit displays and avionics, fixed thrust reverser animations and systems. The rudder can now be powered by both the A and B hydraulic systems and no longer requires the left engine to be running. Other highlights include improved autothrottle and airspeed-tracking behaviour when envelope speed protection is active.

For the full changelog, head over to the Microsoft Flight Simulator website.