Air and navy personnel honoured at Maltese memorial

A memorial unveiled at Lyster Barracks at the former airfield in Ħal Far has been dedicated to all RAF, Fleet Air Arm and US Navy personnel who served there

It was unveiled by Colonel Edric Zahra, the Deputy Commander of the Armed Forces of Malta, and by Paul Demajo Albanese, on behalf of the RNAS Ħal Far (HMS Falcon) Group.

Despite being heavily scarred, Ħal Far still presented a nostalgic sight of historical significance in Maltese aviation history, Demajo said. He added that the former airfield was not simply about military operations and aircraft, but also about the numerous airmen and ground crews based there between 1923 and 1978. Airfield repair parties were also praised – the airfield had in fact never been declared unserviceable.

The Lyster Barracks date back to December 1953, and the officer’s living quarters are aptly named after the Mediterranean Fleet carriers – Courageous, Eagle, Glorious and Hermes. Mr Demajo concluded by thanking all parties that had contributed to the memorial, and said that Ħal Far would always be remembered by its many past members and their families.

The new memorial at Hal Far, Malta
The new memorial at Hal Far, Malta Courtesy Nick Sellers
The new memorial at Hal Far, Malta
The new memorial at Hal Far, Malta Courtesy Nick Sellers