Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)

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Inside the final days of the Spanish Navy's Hughes 500M helicopter fleet

As the Spanish Navy undergoes a major transformation, Marnix Sap looks at the final days of the helicopter that has been a dedicated little workhorse for more than 50 years

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How are new technologies enhancing maritime patrol capabilities?

Dominating the high seas has always been a key air power mission. In the 21st century new technologies and techniques are transforming how maritime patrol aircraft do their work. Tim Ripley looks at recent developments in this key air power domain

Sweden joins list of nations looking to axe NH90 helicopter fleet

After Belgium, Australia and Norway announced plans to axe and replace their respective NHIndustries NH90 helicopter fleets, Gen Micael Bydén – the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces – revealed that Sweden would follow suit in a recently published defence modernisation and procurement guidance report

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Inside the US Navy Reserve's last operational P-3C Orion squadron

Washington’s Patrol Squadron 69 (VP-69) ‘Totems’ was the sole active P-3C squadron in the US Navy Reserve fleet until September 30. AirForces Monthly visited the unit to report on the twilight of its Orion operations

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Argentine Trackers: The world's last Grumman S-2s

The Argentine Navy is the world’s last military operator of the turbine equipped Grumman S-2 Tracker, with a single example still being used for ASW and SAR missions over the South Atlantic. We investigate

Icarus' Wasp-M to employ MAD-XR submarine detection system

Icarus Aerospace announced on September 17 that it has joined forces with CAE Defence & Security to provide a submarine detection and tracking capability for the Wasp-M.