AIR International April 2022

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Tailwind Air: the Concorde of regional travel?

Less than a decade old, seaplane operator and commuter airline Tailwind Air has lofty ambitions, reports Tom Batchelor

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What's different about the upgraded Dassault Mirage 2000D RMV?

French Mirage 2000B and 2000D aircraft have recently been testing upgraded IR sensor systems and chaff/flare dispensers fitted into the new Damocles pod. Babak Taghvaee investigates

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AIR International April 2022

The full issue in page-turning format

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What next for start-up Northern Pacific Airways?

America’s newest long-haul carrier Northern Pacific Airways has been a surprise entry into the market. Tom Batchelor spoke to CEO Rob McKinney at its launch and discovers what’s next for the start-up