Gloster Meteor

Discover the groundbreaking history of the Gloster Meteor, a British twin-engine jet fighter that revolutionised modern jet aviation. Learn about its design, development, and operational history, as well as its post-operational service, and its impact on the aviation industry. Explore this iconic aircraft that saw action in many conflicts around the world, and remains an important part of aviation history today.

Feature Premium

Brian Moloney Pioneer jet pilot

Tom Spencer recounts some of Sqn Ldr Brian Moloney’s experiences commanding the Royal Aircraft Establishment’s secretive T Flight, as it paved the way testing jet aircraft

Gloster Meteor Feature Premium

Flight Testing The Prone Meteor

It was a unique opportunity for the unit test pilot on No 33 Maintenance Unit — to sample the one-off prone pilot Gloster Meteor, one of the most notable trials platforms of its day, from both the conventional and prone positions. Naturally, he took full advantage

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Sir Frank Whittle: Remembering the Jet Pioneer 

Armed with sound mathematics and a lot of determination, Sir Frank Whittle created one of the most important inventions of the modern world. Nicholas Jones met him in his later years and reflects on his humble origins and the obstacles he faced in pursuit of his dream

Feature Premium

Restoration Scene: From Medway to Malta

Robin Brooks relates the life of a much-travelled Meteor F.8, whose restoration has been completed at Malta Aviation Museum Foundation

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Inside Stories: Bartered Bombers

João Paulo Moralez and Marcelo Ribeiro reveal the history and curiosities of the Brazilian Air Force’s first jet – the Gloster Meteor. It’s a story that entails trade deals, exploding canopies and even eradicating spiders…

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Reviving a trials workhorse

Boscombe Down Aviation Collection’s restoration of Meteor NF.11 WD686 is detailed by Hugh Trevor

NF Meteors: The RAF’s First Jet Night-Fighters

Armstrong Whitworth turned the Meteor from a simple day-fighter into one of the first radar-equipped all-weather jet interceptors. Doug Gordon remembers the career of the early night-fighter Meteors, the NF.11 and NF.13.

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Weekend Windycats: Part Two

Richard Knight concludes his study of life with the Meteor pilots of Wymeswold’s 504 Squadron, especially through the recollections of US-born airman Eddie Bell

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Weekend Windycats

Growing up on the edge of Wymeswold, Richard Knight has always been fascinated with the airfield. He relates its days as a home to Auxiliary Meteors