Russian Aerospace Forces (RuAF)

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Ukraine-Russia War: An expert analysis of the first year

On the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Trendafilovski provides a detailed analysis of the brutal conflict which began with Russia’s full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022

Russia receives another upgraded Tu-22M3 bomber

The United Aircraft Corporation has delivered another modernised Tu-22M3 Backfire-C supersonic-capable strategic bomber/missile carrier to the Russian Aerospace Forces’ Long-Range Aviation command

Russia marks key milestones in delivery of modernised Tu-160Ms

Russia has recently marked two key milestones regarding the delivery and testing of its newly modernised Tupolev Tu-160M Blackjack supersonic-capable strategic bomber/missile carrier fleet

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Russia moves to make the Sukhoi Su-34 deadlier amidst war in Ukraine

AirForces Monthly reviews the status of the Su-34 Fullback, the enhancement plans for the type and its controversial operations in the ongoing war in Ukraine

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Russia’s disruptive air power in Ukraine

Russia has taken the use of disruptive airpower to new heights in Ukraine. Fahad ibne Masood assesses the impact of technological warfare

UK MOD claims Russia has been using Su-57 in Ukraine conflict

The UK Ministry of Defence has claimed that the Russian Aerospace Forces have “almost certainly” been using fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-57 multi-role fighters in combat missions against Ukraine for at least seven months

Russia receives more Su-57s as production ramps up

Russia’s state-owned Rostec State Corporation announced on December 28, 2022, that another batch of serial production-standard Sukhoi Su-57 fifth-generation multi-role stealth fighters has been handed over to the Russian Ministry of Defence

Russia still flies high-tempo combat ops over Syria as Ukraine War continues

While Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territory in the West, the Russian Aerospace Forces are still supporting combat operations in the Middle East, with a variety of aircraft types noted as operating from Bassel Al-Assad AB in Khmeimim, Syria, in September

Russian jets fire missile at RAF aircraft

A Russian Air Force Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker released a missile in the ‘vicinity’ of an RAF aircraft during a 90-minute stand off over the Black Sea, the UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has revealed

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How sophisticated is Russia's air defence network?

Fighter operations and ground-based air defences have so far proved to be among Russia’s few victories in its otherwise poorly planned and mismanaged campaign in Ukraine. AirForces Monthly explains