Mil Mi-17 Hip

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Ecuador to hand over Russian-made Mi-171 Hip fleet to the US

Ecuador’s President Daniel Noboa announced that his government will transfer its Russian-made military equipment – including anti-aircraft systems and transport helicopters – to the US, which will then be exchanged for new materiel

Kyrgyzstan receives additional Mi-17V-5 Hip transport helicopters

The Kyrgyz Air Force has recently received a new Mi-17V-5 Hip-H tactical transport helicopter from Russia’s state-owned defence export/import company, Rosoboronexport

Latvia delivers Mi-2s and Mi-17s to Ukraine

Latvia’s Ministry of Defence announced on August 15 that it had donated four helicopters to Ukraine

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Russia's helicopter portfolio: In a tail spin

Alexander Mladenov reviews Russia’s military rotorcraft exports of the past decade and what remains of deliveries to the largest markets

Sri Lankan Mi-17s deployed to the Central African Republic

The Sri Lankan Air Force has deployed a pair of Mil Mi-17 Hip medium-lift utility helicopters to support a UN-sponsored peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic

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LOM Praha eyes up more Mi-17 work

Jiri Protiva, director of LOM Praha, outlined his future strategy for the Czech government-owned business during an exclusive interview with Key.Aero on September 17

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Afghan Mi-17 crashes in Jaghatu

An Afghan Air Force-operated Mil Mi-17/17V-5 'Hip-H' heavy-lift tactical transport helicopter crashed during the night of June 8-9 in the Jaghatu district of Afghanistan’s Maidan Wardak province, following a technical malfunction

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Inside Europe's leading Mil helicopter MRO facility

We visit LOM Praha in the Czech Republic, which serves as Europe’s leading maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility for Mil helicopters