SeaSlug, SeaCat and others obsolete missile systems

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19 years 6 months

Posts: 3

Have anyone a hi-resolution photos of historical missile systems - SeaSlug, SeaCat, SeaWolf (non vertical launch), ASROC, Bloodhound ets?
There's so little infos for scale modelling :(
Let's place on this thread good photos of early missile and rockets systems!
Thanks a lot,

SeaSlug Mk1 air defense system:

Original post

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19 years 6 months

Posts: 3

Thank you, Distiller, the very interesting links.

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20 years 1 month

Posts: 164

is known some details of their employement in the 1982 war? i mean, how many fired, how many scored a hit? (both Sead Slug and Sea Cat)

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21 years

Posts: 185

I think SeaCat was a failure against the A4s due to their agility only a success for those delta fighters used by Argentine

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20 years 1 month

Posts: 164

also Barrichello has not won the australia GP but he has still whipped Schumi this time.

OK JS, where are you? this should be your daily bread!

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15 years 2 months

Posts: 421

I just found this information sheet on Tigercat. It was on a Falklands war website. Did the Argentina use the tigercat system or did the British?

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15 years 6 months

Posts: 34

Argentinians. Tigercat had been largely if not totally replaced in British Service by 1982. Also IIRC it was only used by the RAF Regiment to protect airbases, and I do not believe any of them were deployed to the Falklands.
